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Same Ole, Same Ole!

Have you ever had a difficult situation with your partner and hit an impasse? Not just any impasse but one that you couldn't seem to get beyond? Let's take a look at what could be happening and how to get through it.

There is an assumption that our partners are "just like us." We seem to think that because we’re a couple that they must think the way we do. We seem to assume that they process their emotions the same way and share the same values.

Not so! And therein lies one of the biggest challenges in relationships, not that we are different but that we think we should be the same. Love becomes the most difficult when we realize that our partners are not ”us”. Love is grand up until that very moment and then we question everything.

Coming to terms with the "otherness" of your partner can be difficult, and yet it can also be the most rewarding. What will you learn from your partner’s differences? What can you expand in your own thinking? How can your world get bigger? If you go here then the adventure begins and love thrives. You get to raise your consciousness above the level of "same ole, same ole". Lifting yourself to a higher place with enough altitude to see a bigger picture where your different views can make sense. That's where you can find some solid ground and some compassion. That's where you can see that you both just want to be loved and accepted by the other. When you get to that place, you can usually let go of your judgments and hurt feelings and figure out how you want to move forward. It is also from this higher perspective that you can see and learn from whatever life lessons the situation has brought your way. Love Rocks!!

Join us FREE this Saturday at 9 am Pacific Time for 30 minutes on The Couple’s Coaching Corner as we dive into Same Ole, Same Ole!

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