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Partners For Life
This program has helped hundreds of couples go from hope to fulfillment and that is why it's one of our best sellers. Partners for Life gets straight to the point and cuts through the noise and the nonsense.
Much of what you have learned about relationships were in your formative years. A theme that isn't easy to identify or to unlearn. As grown-ups, we frequently have no idea why we are doing what we are doing.
And then we are surprised when our relationships turn out just like our parents.
In this program, you will dig deep in a structured, step-by-step method revealing what's really running your relationship and your life. This is done through video, audio, webinar, and workbook on your own. Then it is followed by a BONUS session with a Certified Practitioner to solidify the completed work.
What happens will blow your mind! Couples having done this program report restoring love to their relationship in less than 30 days!
A complete guide walks you from start to finish.
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