Course study page
Scarcity and Abundance (WEBINAR 5)
"I was mistaken in believing I could give anyone anything other than what I want for myself. And what I want for myself is peace, love and forgiveness. These are the only gifts I can offer another."
Welcome to the space of Quantum Forgiveness.
Courses for 2019
There are 6 courses on the books currently for 2019. This may expand but, for now, this is what I am offering:
1. Atomic Habits: James Clear
"Tiny changes, big results"
In this course, we will share from reading the book. Having assigned chapters each week. This is an easy read but, using others in the course helps make it more real and sustainable in our day to day rituals in being human.
January 11, 25 February 8, 22 March 8
2. Be Obsessed or be Average: Grant Cardone
In this course, we will share from reading the book. Having assigned chapters each week. This course is a bit aggressive and is good for people in sales - self employment-or looking for a kick start and wants to up the momentum in 2019.
January 18, February 1, 15 March 1, 15
3. The 3 Levels of Letting Go
This webinar series meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 7pm-830pm.
January 17, February 21, March 21, April 18
Sign up:
The Amazing Couple (WEBINAR 4)
1. Choose any meditation from the meditations page and do it daily
2. Read through the 7 Habits of a Breathtaking Relationship
3. Practice AT-ONE-MENT
The seven habits of a breathtaking relationship.
1. Empower what fuels them.
2. Justify their failures.
3. Pay attention to and don't minimize their fears.
4. Align with their opinions for their enemies.
5. Let go of making condemning judgments against them.
6. Practice inner peace as your single goal and forgiveness your single function.
7. Choose to be a love-finder versus a fault-finder
Sign up for the next series:
Forgiveness IS...
The Language of Love (WEBINAR THREE) 10/15/18
1. Read or listen to the QUANTUM FORGIVENESS DOCUMENT daily
2. The 7 Habits of a Breathtaking Relationship: PRACTICE these 3-
Empower what fuels them
Justify their failures
Pay attention to and don't minimize their fears
See all SEVEN BELOW, just before your recordings
3. Letting go to be one: The most courageous practice of ALL
As you practice this month be keenly aware that the overall intention is to experience your oneness. This is by far the toughest practice of all. Interpret your failures as simply part of the practice. We have spent a lifetime devoted to separation and the illusion of protection. Keep practicing, the result will be far more worth the effort. THIS IS A CHAMPIONSHIP GAME!!!
Quantum Forgiveness Document
This forgiveness is distinct from a forgiveness of superiority. It is one that isn’t logical but rather ontological; it is a way of being, a created space, if you will.
In this space or state, one can rest and trust in a higher purpose for life. Where you can surrender to life unfolding, that is a letting go – letting go – letting go, a lifestyle versus an act.
Consider it this way:
Your life purpose is to align with life unfolding, to bring honor to life unfolding, allowing PURE LOVE, that is life energy to flow through powerfully and naturally. Love as in who you are and who I am.
Shame, blame, guilt, jealousy, envy, upset, anger, frustration, anxiety to name a few, are all fundamental expressions of FEAR, that kind of fear is a barrier to, a thwart, or stopping of the flow of life energy.
The mind is addicted to violence; at some primal level it feels good. These expressions of fear are a kind of violence to the spirit and there is a fundamental addiction to them that one must acknowledge and own. We create an illusion by trying to resist them rather than simply letting them go. Resisting causing persistence.
Forgiveness as in QUANTUM FORGIVENESS is the ONLY WAY to undo the fear and to open the heart to energy flowing freely.
It starts first with accepting you are forgiven, this forgiveness is not ONE part of
you forgiving another, but rather a stepping into an already existing forgiveness, the expression of PURE LOVE.
The key to this is to accept:
1. I cannot earn it
2. I don’t deserve it
3. It is accepted for no reason
The seven habits of a breathtaking relationship.
1. Empower what fuels them.
2. Justify their failures.
3. Pay attention to and don't minimize their fears.
4. Align with their opinions for their enemies.
5. Let go of making condemning judgments against them.
6. Practice inner peace as your single goal and forgiveness your single function.
7. Choose to be a love-finder versus a fault-finder
Love is Misunderstood (WEBINAR TWO) 9/17/18
1. Practice putting in The First Habit of a Breathtaking Relationship:
Empower what FUELS them
2. Inquire into the question "What Fuels Me?"
3. Just Like Me
Just like me
It is the habit of the mind in separation to want to externalize everything. If we have not fully accepted the anger or hurt or rigidity we carry within our own hearts, we seek it out in others and blame or judge the qualities we see. You can walk into a room filled with a hundred people, and something unconscious will scan the room and cast out a lasso to the one person there who can reflect back to you the things you could not see or be with in any other way. Usually, we leave that quality out there in the crowd, projecting our disowned ghosts onto other people and situations. We judge another as lazy or rigid or cold or closed only when we do not want to see those tendencies in ourselves. It is in this way that we create division between a you and a me, an us and a them. On the other hand, if we can feel the judgment and immediately call it back, we can turn it into an opportunity to pass through a small process of expansion and growth.
These three simple words, “just like me,” will transform judgment from separation to self-acceptance. Practice this as often as you can. You can use this practice silently inside yourself, or you can speak it out loud. Either way, you will start to laugh at what previously seemed so serious and begin to celebrate the areas of yourself that had been hidden by your judgments.
4. Do the What is Love meditation daily (below)
October 15 7pm
Forgiveness IS?
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 428 476 275
WEBINAR ONE Love is Expressed by what you are attending to
1. Watch for your bad relationship habits at play
2. Circle of 3 - Measure your results
3. Just Like Me
4. Say YES to everything (safe and sane) this month
5. Write 2-3 relationship goals each and every day (yes, the same ones daily)
~I am with the man/woman of my dreams, expressing, experiencing and expanding love.
~I have accepted that it's time to transition, to move on, and I am doing so while honoring, respecting and appreciating my spouse/partner/significant other or even friend in the process, letting go of blame or regret.
~We are off to fulfill 50 extraordinary years together, recreating who I am and who my spouse/lover/partner is for me as many times as it takes to have love present.
~I got it!! I really got it. What it means to have true love. I didn't get it and now I do, and I am causing it everywhere WOW!
~I am free to be myself entirely, to live my life entirely, no longer trapped by an imaginary tale, Love is not what I'm looking for but who I am.
6. Do the Quantum Forgiveness meditation daily (recording download below)
Just like me
It is the habit of the mind in separation to want to externalize everything. If we have not fully accepted the anger or hurt or rigidity we carry within our own hearts, we seek it out in others and blame or judge the qualities we see. You can walk into a room filled with a hundred people, and something unconscious will scan the room and cast out a lasso to the one person there who can reflect back to you the things you could not see or be with in any other way. Usually, we leave that quality out there in the crowd, projecting our disowned ghosts onto other people and situations. We judge another as lazy or rigid or cold or closed only when we do not want to see those tendencies in ourselves. It is in this way that we create division between a you and a me, an us and a them. On the other hand, if we can feel the judgment and immediately call it back, we can turn it into an opportunity to pass through a small process of expansion and growth.
These three simple words, “just like me,” will transform judgment from separation to self-acceptance. Practice this as often as you can. You can use this practice silently inside yourself, or you can speak it out loud. Either way, you will start to laugh at what previously seemed so serious and begin to celebrate the areas of yourself that had been hidden by your judgments.
YOUR MEDITATION Is the first recording and THE RECORDED SESSION is the bottom recording: